District 6 Committees

Position Descriptions

General Service Representative (GSR)

The description of the General Service Representative (GSR) is contained in Chapter 1 pg. 1, 2021-2023 Edition of the A.A. Service Manual. No reference or guideline listed within the District 6 Elgin General Service Representative Committee Operating Procedures should be construed as having authority over, or interference with the responsibilities of the General Service Representative’s duties.

  • The General Service Representative is any member of an A.A. group within District 6 elected by the group, using any method of that groups own selecting. The elected General Service Representative acts primarily as a connecting link between their group and the General Service Representative Committee.
  • The General Service Representative and an Alternate General Service Representative should be elected for a term of two years, in the same year as the election of the District Committee. It is recommended that the group election be held in the month of September, with their term of service to begin January 1, of the following year.
  • The General Service Representatives expenses for travel, food and lodging in connection with service activities, are generally not included in the District budget. General Service Representatives are responsible for booking their own accommodation for Area 86 Spring and Fall assemblies.
The District Committee Member (DCM)

The duties of the District Committee Member are contained in Chapter 2 of the 2021-2023 Edition of the A.A. Service Manual as follows:


  • Experience of the Fellowship suggests that a DCM ought to:
  • Have served as a GSR
  • Have at least four or five years of sobriety
  • Be familiar with both the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts
  • Have the time and energy to serve the district well
  • Be able to lead a district while respecting the conscience of the district
  • Have an email address or other easy way of maintaining contact with GSRs and other members
  • Be familiar with the G.S.O. and area websites
  • Each district decides how to weigh these considerations when voting for DCM and alternate DCM


Every district is different, but the following are relatively common service activities undertaken by DCMs:

  1. Regularly hold district meetings. DCMs are asked to give reports to the GSRs on news, issues, proposals and future events from the area and G.S.O. It is also important for DCMs to keep the GSRs informed about Conference activities, perhaps even assisting the delegate in reporting the proceedings of the General Service Conference, either by organizing report-backs or delivering the reports to their districts in lieu of the delegate. GSRs are typically asked to report on what’s happening in their groups, and DCMs can make sure that GSRs have what they need in order to assure good communication across the service structure. (See the section titled “Making Reports” in Chapter 1 for a list of publications that can be helpful to DCMs in making reports to the district.)
  2. Regularly attend area assemblies. The number of assemblies during the year varies by area. All DCMs (and GSRs) from around the area are asked to attend. DCMs (and GSRs) are voting members of these assemblies. (See Chapter 3 for more information on the area and assemblies.)
  3. Reach out to groups in the district that do not have GSRs. Some groups may have little or no history of electing GSRs. Some may have had active GSRs in the past, but no longer. The DCM is asked to open a line of communication with these groups. The purpose is not to badger them into electing GSRs, but to begin to connect them to A.A. as a whole.
  4. Organize workshops and/or sharing sessions on service activities.
  5. Bring Traditions problems to the attention of the delegate.
  6. Help GSRs become acquainted with The A.A. Service Manual/Twelve Concepts for World Service. DCMs can also be helpful by introducing the GSRs to Box 4-5-9 and service material from G.S.O., which includes workbooks and guidelines on an array of topics.
  7. Alert the district’s GSRs to new literature, service materials and technology applications from G.S.O. and Grapevine. This includes new books published by A.A. World Services and the Grapevine. The literature catalogs of the two corporations are an excellent resource. DCMs often hear about new literature before it appears in the catalog, and it can be helpful to alert GSRs on what’s coming. The groups may have questions and comments on these. The DCM can help the GSRs address these while also passing them along to the area and the delegate.
  8. Assist the delegate in obtaining group contact information for A.A. Regional Directories. These directories are used for A.A. purposes only. They include information on individual groups by city within each province or territory, with contact information on group contacts.
  9. In many areas, DCMs attend area committee meetings in addition to area assemblies. The purpose and scheduling of these meetings varies by area. (For more information, see Chapter 4 of this manual on the area committee.)

Reprinted from the A.A Service Manual 2021-2023 Edition:  P14-15, with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.”

 Alternate District Committee Member

The alternate DCM serves as a backup for the DCM. If the DCM is unable to attend a district meeting or area assembly, the alternate DCM can step in. The alternate can chair the district meeting and vote on behalf of the district at an area assembly or area committee meeting. If the DCM resigns or is unable to serve for any reason, the alternate often steps in. How this is handled is up to the GSR’s in the district.

 Reprinted from the A.A Service Manual 2021-2023 Edition:  P16, with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.”

 The District Treasurer

QUALIFICATIONS: It is recommended that the treasurer be a person with a minimum of two years sobriety. They should be organized in order to keep good records. Having some accounting or bookkeeping experience is useful.


  • Monies Payable: The treasure and co-signer will be responsible to issue payments for approved budget expenses or as directed by the voting committee (GSR).  Any new or non-budget approved expenses exceeding $50.00 would be brought to the committee’s attention for approval prior to release of any funds.
  • Monies Receivable: The treasure will be responsible receiving donations to the district for deposits. Any monies received from groups and special contributions with be directly deposited provided they remain consistent with guidance presented in Pamphlet f-3_selfsupport.pdf (Where money and Spirituality mix), which includes the following “Special contributions: funds realized from conventions, conferences, dinners, area get-togethers, etc. (no limitations on these contributions)”.  Monies received outside of the guidance presented in the pamphlet would be brought to the Committees attention for further direction.
The District Secretary

 QUALIFICATIONS: It is recommended that the secretary be a person with a minimum of two years sobriety

DUTIES: The secretary records and distributes minutes of meetings; keeps contact information up to date and sends out District communications.

  • The District Secretary shall record the District 6 Elgin General Service Representative meeting minutes and distribute to the all parties within a reasonable time frame.
  • The District Secretary shall endeavor to email a draft agenda to District 6 Elgin General Service Representative Committee members within a reasonable time frame prior to the meeting to provide the opportunity to add items for discussion.
  • The District Secretary shall direct District 6 Elgin General Service Representatives to a copy of the Structure and Operating Procedures located within the website.
  • The District Secretary shall distribute monthly District 6 Elgin birthday anniversary forms for General Service Representatives to complete.

Sub-Committee Representatives:

 Sub Committee Representatives shall be available at all times to assist in all matters pertaining to their office, and to provide assistance in the event of District workshops and District functions associated with their office.

Telephone Answering Service Representative

The Telephone Answering Service Representative:

  • Shall maintain the District Answering Service.
  • Shall endeavor to enroll qualified candidates for Answering Service duties.
  • Shall obtain and distribute updated Answering Service volunteer lists to the Answering Service provider on an as needed basis.
  • Shall be the sole contact with the Answering Service provider.
  • Shall review the monthly call listing supplied by the Answering Service provider to track calls made to the Service provider.
  • Shall, when deemed necessary, conduct an instructive workshop for new Answering Service volunteers.
  • Shall have any out-of-pocket expenses reimbursed by the District Treasurer when conducting authorized District 6 Elgin business.
  • Shall attend all District meetings and prepare a written report to present to the committee and submit to the District Secretary.
  • Shall pass on material and detailed information pertaining to the position to the incoming representative to ensure a smooth transition.
Public Information/Cooperation with Professional Community Representative

The Public Information/Cooperation with Professional Community Representative (PI/CPC):

  • Shall form a committee, if necessary, to carry the A.A. message to the still suffering alcoholic indirectly and directly, by informing the general public about the A.A. program.
  • Shall adhere to the Guidelines in the Public Information Workbook. Only approved Public Information literature is used.
  • Shall be allocated a pre-determined, annual financial float by the District 6 Elgin General Service Representative Committee to stock Public Information literature.
  • Shall be the sole purchaser for Public Information literature.
  • Shall have any out-of-pocket expenses reimbursed by the District Treasurer when conducting authorized District business. Mileage compensation is predetermined at the start of each term by the District 6 Elgin General Service Representative Committee.
  • Shall attend all District meetings and prepare a written report to present to the committee and submit to the District Secretary.
  • Shall pass on material and detailed information pertaining to the position to the incoming representative to ensure a smooth transition.
Grapevine Representative

The Grapevine Representative: 

  • Shall cultivate a strong relationship with District Groups to enable knowledge and support of Grapevine resources.
  • Shall order from the Area 86 Sub-Representative the required literature to fulfill the responsibilities of office and maintain the Grapevine display kit.
  • Shall have any out-of-pocket expenses reimbursed by the District Treasurer when conducting authorized District 6 Elgin business.
  • Shall maintain and accurate inventory of grapevine resources and monitor costs related to the district grapevine budget.
  • Shall attend all District meetings and prepare a written report to present to the committee and submit to the District Secretary.
  • Shall pass on material and detailed information pertaining to the position to the incoming representative to ensure a smooth transition.
Bridging the Gap/ Treatment Representative

The Bridging the Gap/ Treatment Representative: 

  • Shall liaise with the Area Bridging the Gap Subcommittee Chair.
  • Shall liaise with the Corrections Representative for District 6 Elgin General Service Representative Committee.
  • Shall contact treatment facilities in our area to make them aware of the program and facilitate bridges.
  • Shall form a committee of volunteers and facilitate carrying our message of recovery to alcoholics in treatment and community settings.
  • Shall attend all District meetings and prepare a written report to present to the committee and submit to the District Secretary.
  • Shall pass on material and detailed information pertaining to the position to the incoming representative to ensure a smooth transition.
Archives Representative

The Archives Representative:

  • Shall liaise with the Area Archives Subcommittee Chair.
  • Shall determine what to include in the collection, and works towards making material available to the greatest extent possible to members of our fellowship and those in the public realm with a valid interest in Alcoholics Anonymous.
  • Shall collect, organize, and preserve material of historical interest. Typically, the archivist selects a representative sample of the collection and arranges those into a traveling display.
  • Shall be is responsible for both the physical and the intellectual integrity of the collection. It is important to ensure the privacy and protect the anonymity of members whose names are included in the collected documents.
  • Shall be is responsible to report to the Area/District committee or, if it exists, the Area/District archives committee, about new material received and give updates about ongoing projects at the archives.
  • Shall attend all District meetings and prepare a concise written report to present to the committee and submit to the District Secretary.
  • Shall pass on material and detailed information pertaining to the position to the incoming representative to ensure a smooth transition.
Corrections Representative 

The Corrections Representative:

  • Shall liaise with the Area Corrections Subcommittee Chair and the Corrections Chair for District 11 London.
  • Shall attempt to acquire A.A. volunteers who are qualified and interested in carrying the message of recovery to alcoholics in correction facilities
  • Shall ensure meetings in the correction facility are attended by qualified volunteers.
  • Shall send completed “Screening of Volunteer’s “documentation to the Corrections Chair for District 11 London.
  • Shall works closely with the Bridging the Gap Representative to ensure persons in custody obtain contact with Alcoholics Anonymous upon release.
  • Shall ensure adequate literature is maintained.
  • Shall attends all District meetings and prepare a written report to present to the committee and submit to the District Secretary.
  • Shall pass on material and detailed information pertaining to the position to the incoming representative to ensure a smooth transition.
Accessibilities/Remote Communities Representative

Accessibilities/Remote Communities Representative:

  • Shall liaise with the Area Treatment and the Area Accessibilities/Remote Communities Sub-committee chairs.
  • Shall become familiar with A.A. workbooks and other material pertaining to both the Accessibilities and Remote Communities portfolio (Special Needs Guidelines (MG16) and workbook (M48i)).
  • Shall, when possible, make an effort to inform members on the multiple aspects of types of accessibility needs in order to raise awareness in helping to carry the message to as many members and suffering alcoholics as possible.
  • Shall provide pamphlets and used Grapevines to individual with accessibility requirements and address any special needs or concerns.
  • Shall have any out-of-pocket expenses reimbursed by the District Treasurer when conducting authorized District 6 Elgin business.
  • Shall attend all District meetings and prepare a written report to present to the committee and submit to the District Secretary.
  • Shall pass on material and detailed information pertaining to the position to the incoming representative to ensure a smooth transition.
Website Representative 

The Website Representative:

  • Shall liaise with the Area Website Committee Chair.
  • Shall become familiar with A.A. workbooks and other material pertaining to this position particularly MG-18 A.A Guidelines -Internet.
  • Shall maintain frequent contact with the chairpersons of the Public Information/Cooperation with the Professional Community Representative, District officers, the General Service Office and any other affected A.A. service entities.
  • Shall monitor and record all expenses. Expenses include maintenance and provisioning of the website which includes out of pocket expenses incurred by the Website Representative directly related to their service.
  • Shall be required to use their personal information and personal credit card information for the renewal of the website hosting and domain name. An annual budget request shall be submitted to the District for approval as required.
  • Shall perform regular maintenance of the site including changing information requested by groups, adding events, and implementing changes in the presentation of information posted on our website.
  • Shall attend all District meetings and prepare a written report to present to the committee and submit to the District Secretary.
  • Shall pass on material and detailed information pertaining to the position to the incoming representative to ensure a smooth transition.